Brian Neese

Guides (4):

Did Your Business Drive Off With the Right Commercial Insurance Policy?
April 02, 2014
If vehicles are used in conjunction with your business, a personal policy won't cover events that take place under that heading. This can easily turn into a horror story for an accident that takes place while the clock is running.

Do All Your Employees Need College Degrees?
February 13, 2014
It is hard to overstate the importance of a college education.In a number of career paths, it is a simple necessity. Yet, as a manager or small business owner, it is not always an easy question as you ponder whether all of your employees need college degrees.

Should Your Small Business Hire Someone With a Record?
January 10, 2014
These 65 million Americans, according to the National Employment Project (NELP), represent a population that has a great deal to offer. Some businesses are “losing out” on a qualified part of the workforce.

How to Afford Small Business Technology on a Budget
September 25, 2013
Your budget might not allow for the gadgets that you'd like to incorporate. From the basics and cloud storage to the high-priced luxuries, there are dozens of technological solutions that could result in heavy bills.



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