Davis Miller

Guides (2):

Ways of building great mutual business negotiations
April 10, 2014
Fostering trust in a business negotiation is the simplest way of reaching mutual ground and building a relationship. It might seem difficult to believe, but not everyone wants the biggest share of the pie from a bargaining deal. Win-win solutions have their benefits too. Why are people settling for 50-50 bargains? Because they want to build relations, they want leave room for future collaborations; while some see win-win deals as weak deals, others see them as fruitful opportunities.

How Incompetent Men can become Effective Leaders
September 09, 2013
Unlike women, men are known for their ability to overcome stereotypes and invisible barriers in business. But are they more competent? Can they become efficient leaders even if they lack experience? The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Unlike women who are shy and can’t negotiate, men are more courageous even if they have no idea what they’re talking about.



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