Guides (27):
Finding the Best Resumes is No Small Business July 16, 2015 There are a lot of factors that go into running a small business outside of gaining customers and selling your product.
Constructing a Safe Office Place May 05, 2015 If you need to expand your small business office or if you're looking to redesign the current layout, you're going to need to hire a contractor to oversee the work. Your contractor is your go-to person who will help you turn your vision into a reality and manage the work being done by the sub-contractors, or construction workers.
Does Your Small Business Waste Space? April 29, 2015 When thinking about properly utilizing space, you most likely think about your home. Are there rooms being wasted? Are certain areas too large whereas other areas (such as the kitchen) feel too small? How would you change the layout of your home to make it more functional? Space is important, and how we use it is even more important.
Don't Overspend on Your Small Business April 22, 2015 Small businesses have a failure rate of nearly 80 percent - with reasons ranging from the economy changing to ineffective marketing strategies to high costs associated with running the business.
Text Marketing is No Small Matter to Your Success March 31, 2015 Text message marketing, also known as SMS marketing, is the process of sending a short, informative text message quickly and easily to your customers.
Retirement is No Small Business February 20, 2015 Many Americans do not save for retirement, whether they are working for a company or working for themselves. In fact, more than 9 million business owners have no retirement savings, according to the Small Business Administration.
Will Health Insurance Have a Negative Impact on Your Small Business? January 19, 2015 For small businesses with five employees or less, roughly half are offering health insurance. For those with fewer than 500 employees, 70 percent are offering health insurance, according to the National Small Business Association.
Sign Off on the Best Home Business Loan January 15, 2015 Small businesses account for the majority of all businesses in the United States. In 2011, there were more than 28 million small businesses. On average, 10 to 12 percent open each year and 10 to 12 percent close, according to the US Census Bureau.
Do You Know How to Answer a Business Call? January 05, 2015 The phone rings at your office, and whether or not you are answering it or your secretary is there are do's and don'ts to what you should and shouldn't be doing.
Do Your Research Before Securing a Personal Business Loan December 22, 2014 While there are some business ventures that require very little start-up costs (such as an online freelancing business, for example), most will require at least some money for materials, advertising expenses and even living expenses while your business is just starting out. This is where a personal loan comes in.
No Small Business Avoiding Personal Loan Scams October 22, 2014 Fraud affects more than 25 million people in the U.S. each year.No matter how safe you are, you are not immune to the devastating effects fraud can have on you or your business.
Invest in Your Employees October 10, 2014 Owning a small business is not for the faint of heart. Between having to master an array of skills - such as accounting, marketing, social media, product development and sales - to finding good, qualified employees who want to see your small business succeed; it's a never ending job that requires an immense amount of work.
Are Interns Right for Your Small Business? August 01, 2014 Internships can be wonderful opportunities to both students and new grads. They offer them a chance to learn hands-on skills and develop their knowledge before accepting a full-time position. While most are unpaid, there are some that offer minimum wage to help the intern pay for basic necessities - such as rent, utilities and food.
Small Business and Expectant Mothers July 30, 2014 In 2013, nearly 70 percent of moms with children under the age of 18 were either in the workforce or looking for work, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Is Health Insurance a Benefit for Your Small Business? May 27, 2014 It's most likely the type of work, followed by the pay and other benefits like vacation time, health insurance and hours, and then the overall atmosphere. We spend most of our waking hours at work, so of course it needs to benefit you in some way other than just a paycheck.
Are Small Businesses Receptive to Babies? March 20, 2014 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows pregnant women to take up to 12 weeks unpaid off from work if they work for a company that employs 50 or more people. Another law, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), prevents pregnant women from being discriminated against in the workplace.
Where Will Extra Revenue Come From? March 10, 2014 Nearly all small business owners are on a budget at some point or another. Whether the economy is down or your business is in its' slow season, it's important to find creative ways to save money. And hey, even if times are great, saving money is always a good thing - after all, the more money you can save, the higher your profit margins will be.
Do You Have Your Small Business Tax Deductions Lined Up? January 15, 2014 Owning a small business is no easy feat. You're in charge of essentially everything - from hiring and marketing to balancing spreadsheets and filing your taxes. Small business owners can wind up owing a fortune to the government if they aren't aware of all their deductions.
Are You Educating Your Employees Enough? December 20, 2013 Studies show that those who continue learning about their field, whether it's sales or technology, are more successful at their job. Because of the many online programs that schools are now offering, small businesses are able to offer their employees continued education, as well.
This is Why My Business Needs to Offer Mobile Payments November 08, 2013 Let's face it - we live in a world where technology is only getting more and more advanced. Small businesses used to be considered 'advanced' strictly because they accepted credit card payments, but now, that's expected and has become the norm.
Tips to Securing a Merchant Account October 28, 2013 Merchant accounts allow small businesses to take electronic forms of payment - including credit cards, debit cards and gift cards. Financial institutions and independent brokers offer merchant accounts to your business.
Let’s Find More Small Business Tax Deductions October 03, 2013 A dollar saved is a dollar earned—and that rings especially true when running a small business. The more you’re able to save on your taxes, the more money you’ll have to spend on advertising, finding and hiring qualified candidates, developing better products, possibly opening up another location and more.
How to Hire the Right I.T. Person for Your Small Business September 30, 2013 Having a tech-savvy person working for your small business greatly ensures all your computer systems will run properly and your website will be designed uniquely. I.T. takes years to learn and even longer to master.
Should I Offer Employees Stock Options? July 19, 2013 Stock options for employees are where the company offers employees stock in their company for a fixed price, and the employee hopes that over time the value of the company will go up and they’ll be able to cash in on those benefits.
5 Tips For Buying or Renting New Office Space May 23, 2013 Are you in the market for new office space for your small business? Whether you’re looking to buy or rent, there are so many things to consider. Your business is your baby – and your new space does have the ability to either make or break your business. Careful planning must be done in order to be confident in your decision.
I Need a Bookkeeper March 26, 2013 If you own a small business, you’re aware that the best way to save money is to do everything yourself, but unfortunately that leaves little time for you to actually grow and market your business.
Is Mobility the Way to Go for Many Small Businesses? February 28, 2013 In a world where everyone is “plugged in” at all hours of the day (and night), it’s no wonder businesses are using multiple forms of social media to promote, market and sell their product. |