Guides (21):
So How Does a Small Business's Fan Page Get Noticed Anyway? October 23, 2012 If you're one of the billion users of Facebook, you may have noticed that you tend to see posts from some people or pages more often than others. For example, I Liked the Mark Twain fan page because I'm a huge Huck Finn fan and see posts about upcoming events or new images on my Newsfeed all of the time. However, in my Likes, you'll also see a pizza place upstate that makes a great tomato pie; I go there every time I'm travelling that way. For some reason, they never make my Newsfeed even though I discovered that they post just as often as the Mark Twain fan page.
The 2012 Election Provides Key Advertising Opportunities to All October 11, 2012 Anyone who's been in the SEO business long enough knows the importance of capitalizing on posting and pushing content during key times. Of course there's the obvious advertising strategy of marketing certain products and services during seasonally appropriate times of the year (e.g. swimming wear and pool cleaning during the summer), but every now and then there's a seminal event that holds as much public interest as it does ad potential. For 2012, no singular occurrence will reach the level of attention being grabbed by this year's presidential election.
No Place Left to Turn for Black Hat SEO Tactics October 04, 2012 Ever since just after February, every voice in the SEO community has been shouting out the same message loud and clear: If you're not doing online marketing legitimately, then you're in for a rude awakening.
Myspace Launches Its Redesign but Will Anyone Care? September 26, 2012 One can't help but think with fondness and nostalgia for Myspace's heyday around 2005. It was the first social network to really take off and become a tremendous part of its users' lives. If nothing else, it provided us with the art of taking a picture of yourself in a bathroom mirror. But 2005, especially in the tech and social industries, is a long time ago. Myspace has long been overtaken by Facebook as the social network of choice.
The NFL Embraces New Technology: iPads, Twitter, and more September 10, 2012 As a member of the online marketing industry, new technology is part of my everyday life. I use my iPhone, my iPad, and my arsenal of other gadgets on a daily basis. But, my tech junky ways aside, it's also part of my job. The online marketing industry wouldn’t be what it is without it. Other industries that don't depend on technology, though, aren't always as quickly to embrace change.
The Benefits of Doing a Content Audit of Your Site August 28, 2012 When devising an online marketing strategy, it's easy to get wrapped up in all the different ways to get your name out there. Is my Facebook page up and running? Have I gotten a sufficient number of followers on Twitter?
The Value of Microblogging July 26, 2012 As the Internet has evolved, so has the content that supports its infrastructure. While blogging started as a mere pastime, it has become a successful industry in itself and is continuing to grow in both popularity and profitability. Thousands of businesses around the world utilize blogs to enhance their brand's online content and engage their customers, but in recent years, a new type of blogging has gained momentum.
5 SEO Tips for Small - Midsize Businesses July 17, 2012 A recent article on the "Technology for Small & Midsize Business" page of explores whether SEO is the holy grail of marketing or fool's gold. The piece focuses on small business owners who all have one thing in common: they all ditched their search engine optimization efforts.
GM and FaceBook: A Lesson in Marketing May 21, 2012 Recently, Facebook has been making news. No, it's not regarding the IPO (directly). It's not about Zuckerberg's choice in garb. It has to do with the General Motors and Facebook breakup. It's a real-to-life and educative lesson for business owners: online marketing is not black and white; make your campaign unique to your brand and respective consumers.
Get Potential Clients Involved May 15, 2012 Business owners, how many of you are confused regarding the expanse of marketing literature as well as the contrast in views? I see a lot of your hands up; I understand. Understanding a foreign industry is a challenge.
Premeditation is the Key to Digital Marketing May 09, 2012 Google is a great marketing tool for many businesses. The way people 'search' for desired goods and services has changed significantly from an external one to an online one. However, as many businesses are experiencing, marketing online comes at a cost. No, I don't mean third-party marketing service cost; I mean over-optimizing and incurring penalties – those kinds of costs. There is good news. Many penalties can be avoided through premeditation. Consider the following suggestions.
How Do You ID ITs? April 25, 2012 The Internet business is booming. More traditional brands are coming aboard as well as a wealth of IT startups. Regardless of size, one thing all parties have in common are IT needs. How do you go about servicing the need? Do you keep things in-house, incurring costs of hardware, maintenance, and IT workers? Do you throw some caution to the wind an
US Government Intercedes with E-books April 17, 2012 The US Justice Department interceded in the business affairs of Apple and Amazon lately, ruling on the side of lower-priced e-books. The Department posed an antitrust suit on Apple and five other large book publishers. The government felt the group of publishers was strategically attempting to raise the prices on e-books, prices which Amazon has lowered to $9.99 for new and popular books.
Is the Labor Market Working Toward a Comeback? April 11, 2012 There have been visible signs of an economic recovery, at least in the Twitter streams. Last week, I spotted several companies sending messages of incipient 'talent' searches, new-hire opportunities. Is the online marketing community representative of the larger labor market?
Sub-Group Brand Politics April 04, 2012 The elections are approaching. That means we'll be confronted with loads of copy related to strategies, momentum, and trial-error successes. A recent glance at the Wall Street Journal elicits news of the 'GOP' trying to 'Woo Hispanics.' Obviously, particular parties recognize the population is segmented into smaller cultures and sub groups, just like brand consumers.
What the New iPad Could Mean for Mobile E-Commerce March 08, 2012 The long-awaited iPad HD (formerly referred to as the iPad 3) is slated to debut tomorrow and the hype surrounding Apple's newest product is currently one of the hottest discussions on the Internet. Although numerous websites have posted blogs and articles covering the confirmed and rumored features of the new iPad, few have mentioned one of the most important aspects of Apple's new tablet: Its potential effect on E-Commerce.
A Beginner's Guide to Social Media February 27, 2012 As most developers already know, social media is becoming a much bigger part of the search engine optimization picture. Traditionally, most SEO campaigns have been reliant on a combination of keywords, content and HTML code.
The Role of On-Page Content in SEO Strategies February 06, 2012 Many SEO developers have made a habit of focusing on keywords over the years and while relevant, useful keywords are an integral part of a search engine optimization campaign, some of those developers have not seen a great increase in traffic. Users care about more than just keywords; they care about content.
The (Quickly) Changing Role of Twitter in SEO January 30, 2012 As Google goes forward with the changes to their search functioning making results more personalized by incorporating Google+ and other features, ripples continue to be sent out through the internet and search communities. Twitter has now released a strong statement opposing the changes because as they see it, twitter content will not appear on Google SERPs with as high a ranking as before.
Facilitating Reputation Management Campaigns With Proper Communication January 23, 2012 Communication is central to just about everything we do, every day. This we all know and are constantly reminded of when we find ourselves in or witnessing common misunderstandings or failed conversations. Nowhere is it more essential to have clear communication though than in correspondence with clients regarding SEO, reputation management, or other campaigns that a firm is managing. Given the nature of reputation management, however, mutual understanding here is paramount.
Customizing SEO Campaigns January 18, 2012 Personalization is becoming an even bigger part of SEO strategies at the start of 2012. The search giant, Google, in its attempt to gain some of Facebook's social networking market share, is rolling out its Search Plus Your World feature presently. This feature is entirely designed to incorporate personalized, social media elements even further into Google's algorithms than ever before and SEOs now have another powerful tool at their disposal. |