
Brooke Chaplan
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What Your Manager is Probably Forgetting about Workplace Safety

Brooke Chaplan

July 12, 2016

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In today's workplace, safety should be the top priority, but according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.7 million people were injured in workplace accidents in 2014. While most accidents can be prevented, managers deal with so many issues on a daily basis that they often fail in many basic safety procedures. In an effort to make your workplace safer, here are some issues your manager may be forgetting and what your business can work on in terms of safety. 

Workplace Visitors
While in years past, it was not unusual to have visitors in the workplace, today's world is far different. To make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens, managers should have policies in place regarding workplace visitors. For example, all visitors should be registered at the reception area, be given a badge identifying them as a visitor, and always be escorted inside by an employee. If these measures are in place, many potential problems will never even happen.

Slip and Fall Accidents
One of the most common workplace hazards, slip and fall accidents often are never considered by managers until they happen. In many workplaces, hallways are littered with obstructions, and many stairways fail to have non-slip strips to prevent employees from falling. In addition to these hazards, many times spills often go unnoticed by numerous employees who walk by puddles without wiping them up. To make sure slip and fall accidents do not happen, managers should emphasize all safety measures be implemented on a regular basis, and inspect the office and other areas for potential safety risks on stairs and in hallways. Otherwise, an injured employee will no doubt be looking for help with your Orlando workers compensation claim lawyer. Prevent these ahead of time with the rules and procedures you have in place.

Suspicious Behavior
Needless to say, this topic is extremely important today. For managers to make sure this is a priority, hold training sessions with employees on various topics on behavioral safety. These can include how to spot and report suspicious behavior, how to recognize the signs of sexual harassment, and workplace bullying. By making these topics a high priority, much needless violence may be prevented. Make your employees work with you to stop these dangers and identify them before they become a problem.

As managers realize the importance of workplace safety, there is little doubt employees will be doing their jobs in a place they feel more comfortable. Whether it is conducting a seminar on workplace bullies, or ensuring all employees know the proper procedures to follow when visitors arrive, managers who put safety first provide tremendous peace of mind to their employees, as well as themselves.


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