
Lizzie Weakley
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How to use Behavioral Analysis to Attract Customers to your Business

Lizzie Weakley

July 15, 2016

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Behavioral analysis, which explores learning and behavior, is very relevant if you have a business. Applied behavioral analysis is often used in training and motivating employees. The same principles can also help you attract more customers to your business. Let’s look at some ways that this can be accomplished.

Observing the Behavior of Website Visitors

You can learn a lot about customers and potential customers from observing their actions on your website. Aside from keeping track of analytics such as pages visited, opt-ins and sales, you should also carefully track how much time people spend on each of your pages. This provides clues to what interests your audience most. You can then create content and offers that match these interests.

Behavioral Analysis and Retargeting

The principles of behavioral analysis are also used in retargeting. This is when customers who have visited your website or conducted relevant searches are shown ads that lead them back to your website. As retargeting gets more sophisticated, it’s taking more and more behaviors into consideration. In addition to search and site retargeting, there’s also retargeting based on related searches. For example, if you’re marketing for a hotel, you might target people who’ve done flight searches for the city.

The Importance of Interacting with Customers

To analyze the behavior of your customers and website visitors, you must listen to them and elicit feedback from them. When you ask people questions, ask them to fill out surveys and pay attention to their responses, you learn more about what makes them tick. Social media sites and blogs give you the opportunity to become more familiar with your audience and analyze their behavior. This helps you turn more followers and website visitors into customers.

How to Learn More about Behavioral Analysis

You can learn more about behavioral analysis in your spare time by reading articles and books on the topic. You can also be an amateur behavioral analyst by paying close attention to the actions of your customers and prospects. If you want to become an expert, however, you might want to look into behavioral analysis graduate programs. There are many online as well as traditional offline graduate schools where you can earn a degree in this fascinating field.

Behavioral analysis is a field that has applications in many areas. It can be used in business to help you learn valuable insights regarding your customers and prospects. Understanding how and why people behave as they do helps you grow your business and make it more customer friendly.


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