
Amy Morin

Amy Morin writes on a number of subjects, among which include psychology, small business marketing, and women divorce Georgia.

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Should You Open a Small Business With Your Significant Other?

Amy Morin

August 21, 2013

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Although going into business together can seem like an exciting opportunity for many couples, it can be risky in more ways than one.

Couples considering going into business together should carefully review the potential pros and cons.

Potential Benefits of Going into Business Together

Couples with an entrepreneurial nature may find going into business together is an exciting opportunity for the relationship and their bank accounts. For some couples, a joint business venture can improve their relationship.

Opening a business together allows couples to spend more time together. Couples who previously spent long hours in separate offices may enjoy being able to spend more time together when they open their own business.

Working together on a joint venture can add some excitement to the relationship as couples work together on a new project. It can even help them keep the spark in their marriage.

Couples who are successful with their business venture are likely to see a good return on their investment. Working together as a team can certainly pay off for couples who work well together.

Potential Risks of Going into Business Together

There certainly are many potential risks of starting a business together.  Not all couples have personalities that will allow them to work well together in a business.

Couples who open a joint business but share different philosophies on business, money and relationships are likely to struggle. They may find themselves fighting and arguing more often than ever due to the added stress of a business.

Many couples also find it difficult to separate their business relationship from their romantic relationship. Couples may find they have little in common outside of the business or may have little to talk about when they're not at the office.

Opening a new business takes a lot of time.

Couples may become so consumed with the business that they end up putting all their energy into the business and have little energy to devote to the relation.


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