
Katrin Deres
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How Employers Are Making Use Of Mobile Technology

Katrin Deres

February 07, 2014

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It has been widely accepted for some time now that mobile communications are the way forward, especially in the business sector. As mobile technology continues to evolve we have seen a growing range of apps and other technologies which have really changed the way that we conduct our day to day business activities.

The Benefits of GPS Tracking for Employers

One of the most common mobile technologies that is being employed in the business world is GPS tracking. With more and more employees sending staff out into the field or allowing them to work outside of a traditional office environment, it is more important than ever before to be able to keep track of where employees actually are! It is a controversial topic, but this type of tracking is perfectly legal assuming that the employees are notified and the equipment being monitored belongs to the company. It is useful to pinpoint where employees are going when they are out on appointments so that the employer can confirm that staff are not slacking off on their duties. Similarly, it is useful to be able to track company vehicles not just to ensure that employees are where they should be, but also as an additional security measure because if the vehicle is stolen it is possible to track its whereabouts thus improving the chances of recovering the vehicle.

Employee Monitoring Made Easy

According to a recent survey, as many as 69% of all employees are wasting time while at work with social media being the worst offender! It is often assumed that undertaking any type of employee monitoring is extremely difficult. However, with the right type of software it can actually be very simple. There are many different mobile phone spying tools available on the market which can be used to monitor employee activity on their company issued mobile devices. Not only can these be used to monitoring both incoming and outgoing calls to ensure that they are of a business natured, but it is also possible to intercept emails, text messages and even web browsing activities, allowing employers to check out how efficiently their staff are working. The benefits of this type of employee monitoring are numerous:

  • Find out if employees are slacking off during working hours
  • Make sure employees do not rack up high bills with personal calls
  • Pinpoint areas where additional training may be required
  • Catch industrial espionage
  • Find security weaknesses as employees send or receive sensitive data on mobile devices

Useful Apps For Employers

Mobile phone monitoring is not the only type of app that can be useful for employers, many business owners are finding out the advantages of mobile apps in the workplace. One of the biggest areas that can be impacted by the use of apps is of course productivity. Statistics show that 68% of users believe that apps help them to boost their productivity at work by helping them to organize their day, manage tasks and create functional to-do lists. There are also plenty of industry specific apps that employers are finding can benefit them specifically including those designed for scheduling and managing employee work schedules and apps which can help to highlight employee strengths by collecting data from a series of games designed to evaluate the player.

In conclusion, thanks to the continually evolving field of mobile technology, employers everywhere are discovering new ways to but this technology to use in the workplace whether that means using it to track employs using tools such as mSpy, or helping them to manage their time more effectively.


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