
Uses and Costs of Credit

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All about the credit cards from Citibank
March 26, 2007
by James ryan
Credit cards are a boon to the financial industry as well as to the common man. They have also fueled the retail market. From buying general stuffs in a store to booking a ticket over the Internet or shopping online, credits cards have made it all possible.

All about Bank of America Credit Cards
March 07, 2007
by James ryan
Bank of America is one of the leading financial institutions in the US. It is also one of the pioneers that brought a revolution in the international payment system. It is the largest issuer of both debit and credit cards in the US.

Reducing Debt to The Lowest
December 21, 2006
by James Banks
People can always bargain any item anywhere because all companies use lowering their prices as bait to make clients buy more.



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