
Earl stringer

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Offline Marketing Still Exists

A Few Tips

Earl stringer

October 29, 2008

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With the increase of online marketing rising more and more everyday, offline marketing is seemingly becoming a lost art. This is due to the simplicity of the internet. It is so easy to get in front of more potential buyers by using online marketing campaigns and by email marketing rather than offline marketing where you can only reach potential buyers on a more "local"  level.  With that being said there are many home businesses that could greatly benefit from offline marketing. By limiting yourself to just online selling, you are dramatically decreasing your earning potential.

You must remember that, as popular as computers are, there are still people who do not own a computer, and everybody that does own one, may not use them to purchase things. There are alot of people out there who just simply will not use the computer for buying purposes because they are afraid of others getting thier credit card information.  So keeping that in mind, some of these non-online buyers may be willing to buy from you offline.  As a matter of fact, they may be looking for your product; and since they don't shop online, they're a sale waiting to happen.  Looking at offline selling from this angle should bring to light the earning opportunities that other's are missing out on.

Offline marketing obviously takes a lot more foot work then online marketing, but it can be worth it to you and your home business. Here are a few things that you should do or think about if you plan to do some offline selling.

- Always keep a business card on you. You never know when you may run into a potential buyer or a good place to leave a few.

- Ask yourself, where would your potential customers be. For example, you might be selling fitness products such as vitamins or protein shakes. Your customers would most likely be at gyms, weight loss centers, aerobics classes and even parks.

- Put up unique fliers in areas, such as grocery stores ad department stores, that allow you to post fliers and other promotional things, take advantage of these places because you never know who will see your material.

- Approach business managers or owners to see if you can work out some type of deal with them, these kind of deals can turn into a real profit.

- Place appealing ads in your local newspaper and seller magazines. Be sure to make your ads stand out, use bold print,capitalize the first word of every word, use a dark background and light text.  Don't be afraid to be creative.

- Advertise at work.  Have your friends and family members take some things to thier jobs to post on the employee bulletin boards; you never know who will stumble accross your material.

- Word of Mouth.  Tell everyone you know about your new adventure into home business.  They might be interested in buying your product, or they might know someone else who is interested.
These tips will help you get off to a good start selling offline. Despite what some home business owners may think, there is still money in offline marketing.


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