
Savannah Coulsen
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Ways To Make Your Clients Feel Special On A Daily Basis

Savannah Coulsen

April 04, 2014

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Businesses are beginning to understand that just providing excellent service for their clients is not enough. In a very competitive marketplace, businesses need to make their clients feel special and important in order to facilitate a growing working relationship. There are several ways a business can invest in to help remind clients how important they are to the business as a professional relationship. Here are some ways to make clients feel special.

Holiday Cards

Making corporate holiday greeting cards for clients is a great way to remind the client that the business is thinking of them during the holiday season. Creating specially designed holiday cards or e-cards that are emailed to the business helps to re-connect with the client. The cards can have the company logo or a company photograph on them, which helps the client humanize the business they work with. When these cards are given during major holidays, like Christmas, the client will feel like they are being communicated with.

Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty rewards are some of the best ways to make a client feel special and to keep a client as a client. Loyalty rewards provide an incentive to the client for sticking with the business as a professional relationship. The loyalty rewards can come in the form of a one time discount or coupons for the client to use to purchase services or goods from the business with a percentage off. Other loyalty rewards may be public recognition about the client and how many years they have stuck with the business, such as through a blog or social media post about the client.

Personalize the Customer Service

With a client that has been with the business for a long time, its crucial that the business treats the client like a friend. By training each generation of sales staff to call this client by their preferred name (client may want professional title or their first name) and be extra sensitive to the client's needs is crucial in everyday conversation with this client.

Email Campaigns

To really personalize the professional relationship between a client and a business, having an established email campaign that is sent to the top clients can help foster consistent communication. Many businesses create in-house newsletters that give information about the business and its personnel. These newsletters can be sent to the top clients of the business as a form of daily or weekly news about the business. As a result, the clients can know more about the business and feel like they are getting to know the business personally. This helps to boost the inter-professional relationship between the client and business.

Businesses need to do more in order for their clients to feel great about being professionally involved with the business. By creating avenues where the client feels they get to know the business, feel their service is heavily personalized, their loyalty is rewarded, and where the business wishes the client a happy holiday, the client can feel special about working with the business.


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