
Meghan Belnap
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5 Necessities for Your New, Small Business Location

Meghan Belnap

March 05, 2015

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Starting a new business is a time of excitement and trepidation. There are a multitude of details to be dealt with and you want to give yourself every opportunity to succeed, so those details can become critical. Here are some easy solutions for common problems that startups see in the early stages of their inception.

Build, Rent, or Buy?

When starting a business the first thing that comes to mind is: where is it even going to be located? You will need to determine an optimum location and decide whether it is more feasible to rent or to buy a facility. If you decide to buy, you will also need to decide whether to build or to renovate an existing building.  With this easily handled hurdle out of the way you can move on to more pressing issues.

Design for Efficiency

Once you have made up your mind regarding which way to go to procure your building you can begin working on the other details that can contribute to the success of your business. You will need to plan the layout of your business to accommodate the workflow and maximize efficiency. This is true whether you are starting a restaurant, a small manufacturing facility, or a retail store.

Create Your Network

You will need to plan for your electronic infrastructure, since network connectivity is important for almost any business. This will allow for computer workstations to handle accounting tasks, networked cash register systems, and credit card machines as you will almost certainly require a merchant account for credit purchases. If you are unfamiliar with these systems, you can begin your research with some merchant account providers on the web.

Protection for Your Assets

Other considerations for your new small business location include security for your customers as well as your employees. This may include anything from video surveillance cameras and electronic access controls, to a well-lit parking area. What you choose to include for security will be dictated by the nature of your business, of course.

Adequate Water and Electric

Utility provisions can be very important to your new business, especially if it has any special needs. For instance, if you require refrigeration units, commercial ovens, and servers for your computer network you will need to make certain that whatever facility you select can provide those things. Nothing can be worse than working in at a location that doesn’t have adequate amenities to cover basic needs.

Selecting the right structure for your business, designing an efficient configuration, inclusion of an expandable electronic infrastructure, ensuring sufficient security, and planning for necessary utility requirements are some of the most basic ways to give your new business every chance to succeed. Proper planning includes a lot of details and it can be easy to overlook some of them. This is why a comprehensive checklist needs to be compiled prior to selecting the site for your business. It can be an important safety net to protect your enterprise and avoid the unexpected.


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