
Anita Ginsburg
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Six Ways You Can Help Your Employees Be More Professional When Working With Clients

Anita Ginsburg

July 06, 2015

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A professional appearance, attitude and behavior are the fundamentals of quality customer service. Employees that appear or behave unprofessionally could cost you time, money and even a client relationship. Below introduces six inexpensive ways that you can increase your employee’s professionalism. This will benefit both employee and the company.

Dress Code

A professional atmosphere is quickly established with a formal dress code. Consider setting the expectation that employee grooming and dress will be pleasant and professional in appearance. Casual Friday is an excellent way to help employees relax and accept a formal code.

Name Tags

Name tags are an essential way for employees to appear more professional. Name tags are the first step of customer engagement. Naag Tag Name Tags are a great way to help your employees look more professional. They reduce the psychological distance from the client while humanizing the employee. They also increase employee awareness and accountability.

Customized Training Plan

Every employee should have their own individual training plan that includes both personal and professional goals. This will allow the employee to identify their own professional development needs and reduce any possible resistance. Have the employee review their progress every month with their supervisor. Management should also have their own professional development goals. For employees that struggle with their professionalism, consider having them work with a respected mentor. This will allow them to receive one-on-one attention while helping them polish their skills.

Social Etiquette Training

Most people think of formal dinner arrangement training when they think of etiquette education. However, anyone in the business world should receive basic social etiquette training. This includes proper manners, communication techniques and online behavior. In fact, many employees are unaware of email and social media etiquette standards.

Cross-Culture Training

According to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), cross-culture training is essential for the global workforce. There are subtle cultural and social nuances that many professionals naturally miss out due to lack of exposure. This could make your employees seem unprofessional, even if they feel they are not. This training can help in many areas.

Diversity Training

Diversity training often involves cross-culture training, but also expands to other important topics, such as age, gender, disabilities, family situation, socio-economic level and sexual orientation. Diversity training teaches employees how to respectfully act and communicate with members of different groups.


In conclusion, there are a variety of different, practical ways that management can help employees expand their professionalism. This includes having a dress code, using name tags, training plans and employee training.


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