
Lizzie Weakley
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4 Top Traits of a Great Lawyer for Your Business

Lizzie Weakley

May 04, 2018

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Every business needs a good lawyer. While there are plenty of attorneys out there, they aren’t all in a position to help your business grow. Before you pick up your phone to make a call, consider the factors below. They’ll help you narrow down your list of potential attorneys so that you can get the most for your money.


Conveniently Located

One thing that few business owners consider is location, at least when it comes to picking an attorney. As you start your business, you’ll spend quite a bit of time driving back and forth to your attorney’s office—and if he or she isn’t nearby, you’ll end up wasting time that could be spent growing your business. Generally speaking, you want your attorney close enough that you can easily make meetings and get advice—especially when you’re trying to get your business off the ground.


An Experienced Attorney

There is nothing wrong with working with a commercial litigation lawyer. When it comes to your business, though, you want to work with someone who has already seen it all. An experienced attorney who has already had multiple clients and has actually spent time in court will usually be a better asset for your business. Experienced attorneys can draw on their own experience to make sure that your business has the best possible representation in all business matters.


Understanding the Industry

Your lawyer also needs to understand your industry. Ideally, this means that he or she has either worked in your field or has worked with clients in similar positions. This will not only help him or her to craft advice more narrowly, but it will also help him or her in providing you with situation-specific types of advice.


Good Connections

While every lawyer knows the law, great lawyers admit that they have certain areas of expertise. It is very important that your business lawyer be skilled in several areas, but also that he or she knows his or her limitation. Your lawyer should either work with a firm that has multiple areas of expertise or have contacts that can help you with problems that are beyond your attorney’s comfort zone.


There are dozens of other qualities a good attorney should have, but the four listed below will help you to narrow down your search. Finding a good attorney is something that’s worth taking your time, especially if you want to ensure that your business grows safely. Give some thought to your choice, as this can impact your business’ future.


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