
Andraea Campbell
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5 Ways to Make Sure Your Business is Providing Quality Service

Andraea Campbell

August 28, 2013

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Customer service is one of the most important aspects of running a successful company. Customers will typically spend more money on a product if they know that the company providing the product offers good service and support. How can you tell if your business is offering quality service to its customers?

1) Ask The Customer What He Or She Thinks

The best way to find out what the customer thinks is to talk to the customer directly. Ask if there was anything that the customer felt was missing from the shopping experience. If you ask the right questions, you are going to get quality feedback from your customers.

2) See What People Are Saying Online

Your customers are not going to be afraid to share their views about your company to their social media contacts and friends. Go to review sites online to see what your shoppers are saying about the level of service that your company provides. The biggest advantage to perusing these sites is that you can do so anonymously.

3) Provide Surveys For Your Customers To Fill Out

Open Tell local reviews software can be used to get honest feedback from customers who have actually done business with your company. A survey can be a useful tool because those who fill out the survey do not have to give out any identifying information. This makes it more likely that you will get honest and complete feedback.

4) Gauge The Body Language Of Your Customers

It's possible to tell a lot about how your customers are feeling just by looking at their body language. People who are smiling, laughing and joking tend to be in a good mood. Those who hang their head, have drooped shoulders or aren't saying much tend to be frustrated or angry. This is an easy way to tell if customers are satisfied and think that they are getting good service.

5) How Many Complaints Does Your Call Center Or Customer Service Desk Receive?

Do you see customers lining up at the customer service desk complaining about the lack of service? Do customers call or write the business owner complaining about being ignored? If so, your company has a serious customer service problem.


Customer service is paramount to the success of your company. It is never a bad idea to ask your customers if they have received quality service. If the customer says yes, you are doing things right. If the customer says no, take it as an opportunity to improve your service standards.


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