
Meghan Belnap
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Show Your Employees You Appreciate Them With These 4 Simple Ideas

Meghan Belnap

October 11, 2013

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Recruiting talented employees is the easier aspect of a manager’s job, but many find that it is much more difficult to actually retain these employees. One sure way to retain employees is to regularly express your appreciation for all that they do. By following these four simple ideas, one is sure to convey sincere appreciation to staff members.

1. Be Vocal

Virtually everyone loves to receive kudos, both individually and in a group setting. This not only emphasizes appreciation for a job well done, but it also reinforces the fact that great acts do not go unnoticed, which ultimately motivates one to continue the behavior. Show appreciation by making an announcement at a staff meeting to recognize employees' accomplishments.

2. Treat the Team to Lunch

What better way to decompress and celebrate achievements than to enjoy great food. Some of the best catering in Houston can be ordered for an informal team luncheon. Of course, management will pick up the bill. This can also increase morale, encourage interaction amongst team members, enhance trust, as well as reduce stress.

3. Make It Visual

Growing up, most kids proudly displayed their trophies, awards, and metals somewhere in the house, whether it was the bedroom, living room, or study. Why not continue the tradition by displaying employee’s achievements somewhere in the office. Something as simple as a dry erase board or bulletin board can be easily transformed into an area dedicated to advertising achievements.

4. Money Always Helps          

At the year's end, if the budget allows, bonuses are always a full-proof way of showing appreciation. Regardless of what the amount is, the gesture speaks volumes. Simply providing the employee with a paycheck does not, in itself, provide appreciation, since a paycheck is always expected. Conversely, employees are sure to be utterly gracious when receiving an unexpected bonus.

In the end, retaining employees requires hard work and effort. Showing employees that you appreciate them is one way to reinforce the fact that you value them and want them to remain a part of the team for the long term. However, showing appreciation does not come naturally to all of us. By verbally letting the employee and team know that you appreciate them, you can easily improve your relationships and the employees' commitment to the business. Other ideas include treating employees to a catered lunch, visually displaying employee accomplishments on a bulletin board or other type of display in the office, as well as handing out a yearly bonus.


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