
Savannah Coulsen
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Five Ways To Know If Your Office Needs An Update

Savannah Coulsen

February 18, 2014

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As much as business owners may think their office is up to date, technology has a funny way of sneaking up on you. When time and profits are compromised because of outdated equipment and procedures, there are five clear ways to know if your office needs an update.

Is Your Operating System Slowing You Down?

As much as this might seem obvious, many business owners will avoid upgrading their computer's operating systems until it's absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, the decision to update is generally done under pressure, when new software simply won't work, or customers and suppliers are unable to interact with your network efficiently. If it's not attended to, this simple update will result in lost sales and lost customers.

How Efficient Is Your Network?

Regardless of how small an office might be, lack of a basic network will result in lost time and productivity. In an age where networking is simply a matter of plug and play, there really is no excuse. This includes remote networking that allows employees to work from home or on the road.

Are Your Board Meetings Virtual?

There was a time when critical meetings needed time to arrange. This is no longer the case, as virtual board rooms and brainstorming sessions can be setup in a matter of minutes. Regardless of bad weather, lack of sufficient facilities, or tight schedules, important meetings can be held anytime of the day or night.

How Paperless Are You?

As much as business owners talk about going paperless, it can be a difficult transition to make. This is especially true in the medical field, where record keeping and tracking patients is absolutely critical. When paper files are replaced by electronic documents, efficiency and productivity are drastically increased. For hospitals and other offices in the medical field, this means patients receiving care as quickly as possible. Features such as an esignature can streamline the admissions process and eliminate the need for copies, scans, or express carrier service.

Is Your Website Responsive?

Having a presence online is a fundamental part of doing business. With more customers and business associates using portable devices, company websites need to be responsive and functional on a variety of platforms. When your website doesn't adapt to a tablet or smart phone, customers will simply look elsewhere.


Keeping an office up to date means making changes before it becomes a problem. Being proactive will ensure any business owner that they are well ahead of the curve and that costly emergency updates will never be an issue.


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