
Hani Masgidi
All you need to know on how to work at home.
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Add another stream of income to your business now, while you Work at Home.

Hani Masgidi

July 26, 2006

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As long as you are reading this article now you most have decided to start your own online work, work at home and gain from the World Wide Web age fully to find your way to your financial dependence or to add another stream of income to your business.

Well, if you're really serious about find your own home based internet work; the next step really doesn't have to be that difficult at all. There are few easy ways to start making an online stream of income and one or more of the following steps with be more that enough to give you a very good methods to your online business and take you to the world wide web business, just make up your mind and decide which one to start with:

· Affiliate Programs

You might find this method as the easiest one to start with as and the safest ever to start with. The internet is full of products that have affiliate programs which you can join and most of them pay very good commissions. When you join an affiliate program, you are simply making an agreement with the owner of a product that you will receive commissions in exchange for referring a prospect to that person's product (usually a sales page that you have sent the prospect to via your affiliate link) if that prospect ends up making a purchase.

This is a good one; since you don't even need your own website to get started. You will, however, need to learn how to use the pay per clicks so you can get some targeted traffic to your affiliate link. Once you start generating some income from the pay per clicks, you can then start reinvesting some of your profits and get yourself set up with your own website.

Start by choosing a product or service that you're interested in and then visit some of the websites which have achieved top rankings for the keywords which describe that topic. You're sure to find the top affiliate programs for that industry relatively quickly. Or, try visiting one of the many affiliate program directories and scan their listings and recommendations until you find something that appeals to you.

· Residual Income Program

Residual income programs are somewhat similar to affiliate programs in that you typically get paid for referring a prospect to the program's website if that prospect decides to make a purchase. However, the difference comes in the fact that with these programs you also have the opportunity to earn a recurring income if the prospect you refer becomes a paying member of the residual income opportunity program. For example, I belong to one of these programs myself. If a prospect comes to my website and clicks on a link which takes them to the sales page for the service and they subscribe, then I get a commission. However, if that prospect also decides to renew his service of the residual income opportunity program, then I get a check every time as long as that prospect remains a member of that program.

· Selling a physical product or Downloadable Info product

I might not sound so easy or simple, but to be honest, it's really not as hard as it might first appear. Selling a physical product entails offering a real product (like a picture frame, for instance) for sale in your own online retail store. If this idea really appeals to you, go for it. Brainstorm some products you would enjoy selling, and then does some keyword research in the internet to develop a targeted niche within that market.

After that, you can use a drop ship source directory or the search engines to find manufacturers or distributors who will drop ship the merchandise for you (meaning they ship it directly to the customer and you don't have to carry any inventory). Then go to EBay or Yahoo and sign up for one of their stores. And always make sure to select an online partner that provide you with a shopping cart and enable you to accept credit card with reasonable charges or fees. Some of those companies with even provide you with some marketing tools that will help you building a good traffic to your site and build up a good relationship between you and your customers.

And when it comes to designing your website or online store you will find that most of the hosting companies today have some type of site building solution available for those customers who wouldn't know an html code from a java script.

Start to sell your own info product. Everyone on the web will tell you that this is the best way to make the really good deals online. Write about something you know and/or like. Unless, of course, you are a true expert on some niche internet marketing subject, then definitely do it.


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