
Lynne Saarte

Lynne Saarte is a writer that hails from Texas. She has been in the Internet business for some years now, specializing in Internet marketing and other online business strategies.

Lynne Saarte has written 36 articles for SB Informer.
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The Laws Of Advertising For Small Businesses

Lynne Saarte

April 30, 2009

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Advertising they say is both a science and an art. This means that in addition to understanding and knowing full well the mechanics of marketing your business, you should also learn to create a unique and distinct ad that will capture the interest of your target market. Regardless of the size of your enterprise, understanding the concept of advertising is vital to your business success.

Particularly for small businesses, advertising your business in say, custom greeting cards, needs a flawless execution of the basics of marketing. In order for you to understand fully the essence of mounting an ad for your business, you also need to consider the fundamental laws of advertising.

The Law of Having One Message
If you want higher response rate to your ad, be sure to have only one message in your marketing campaign such as your greeting card printing. Advertising means having to convey your message in as quick a time as possible because you are only given at least 5 seconds by your target readers to convince them of your worth. With too many messages, you will more than likely to overwhelm and confuse your target market with what you are really trying to say to them.

The point: create one core message that is simple and compelling.

The Law of Credibility
Over the years, advertising has acquired a bad name when it comes to telling the truth and nothing but the truth. People in general have been taught to turn off anything that is even remotely related to a sales pitch. Needless to say that many marketing campaigns failed miserably because the readers know that people in advertising tend to stretch the truth to achieve their goals. So the next time you try to include promises that you are sure not going to keep, think twice and even three times before you do so. The credibility you have built for such a long time can easily crumble with just one bad impression.

The point: do not waste your time coming up with a message that does not speak the truth to attract attention. Your target clients will surely know about it.

The Law of Testing
Unlike their Fortune 500 counterparts, smaller businesses will find it a luxury to test their advertising first before launching them to their target clients. But truth be told, you do not need much resources to see whether your ad campaign such as your custom greeting cards will be effective. You can always utilize simple methods such as coming up with coupons and codes to measure your readers’ awareness of your message. You can also have you staff make a survey for several weeks where they ask your target clients on how they heard of your business.

The point: test everything even if you have limited budget for your marketing campaign. It will give you an idea of where you can improve the next time you have your marketing campaign such as your custom greeting cards.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Custom Greeting Cards, Greeting Card Printing


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