
Lisa Suttora

Founder and CEO of What Do I Sell®, Lisa Suttora is a noted eBay authority. An internationally known product sourcing and trending expert, Lisa has coached thousands of eBay entrepreneurs in building a successful eBay business.  To learn 15 different ways to make money in today's dynamic eBay marketplace, visit for your free 15 day e-course. To reprint or distribute this article send an email.

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Digital Products

Lisa Suttora

July 25, 2007

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Today we are going to talk about a product you can sell on eBay that requires no inventory and no shipping!

Digital products such as ebooks are a great way to start generating a stream of income on eBay.

For those of you who are not familiar with eBooks, an eBook is a book that is created in a Word Processor such as Microsoft Word, and then turned into "book" format using either an eBook creation program or Adobe Acrobat.

An eBook requires a one time investment of your time to create it and since it is a file on your computer, can be delivered immediately to your customers over the internet.

After your initial creation, there is no overhead and no shipping costs.

New York Times best selling author Robert G. Allen says that we all have at least one Best Selling Book in us.

Most people have several potential eBooks in them!

The key to having a hot selling eBook on eBay is all in your subject matter.

The narrower the niche of your subject, the better you will do with the book.

Right now there are hundreds of "make money fast" or "loose 95 pounds in 10 days" ebooks selling for under $1 on eBay.

This is NOT the market that you want to get into!

Books on a specific narrow subject, for example, 101 Golf Techniques or How to Keep Your 1965 VW Running Smoothly attract an audience of specific committed buyers who are willing to pay for information on their hobby!

If you have a career or an interest, in which you have years of experience or expertise, that is all the better when creating your digital product to sell on eBay.

The tax accountant that specializes in home based business taxes will do very well with a book titled "10 Ways for New Home Based Business to Organize Their Taxes".

The person who has spent years perfecting Organic gardening techniques for growing fruits and veggies in the city could write a hugely successful eBook!

There is an eBook on CD that has been selling for $17 about How to Make Great Money with Bagpipes.

Now you may be intrigued by the idea of an eBook, but feel that you don't know how to write. No problem! The best eBooks are written in a conversational
manner, just as if you were talking to a friend.

Remember the last time you explained to your friend how you grew this new type of organic squash?  Take those words and write them down!

eBooks that are easy to read, easy to understand and with strategies that people can quickly implement, are what people are looking for.

Want to know more about writing an ebook? How 'bout writing an ebook in 7 Days or Less! This perennial, best-selling ebook explains it in easy-to-follow steps.

The thing people love most about eBooks is that they can access them immediately.  However, eBooks sold in CD format (which requires minimal shipping costs) sell very well too.

The best part about this idea is that you can give it a try with little or no money invested, and only a short amount of time!


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