
Emma Sturgis
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Engaging With Your Customers Through Direct Mail

Emma Sturgis

March 19, 2015

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Although direct mail, as a form of marketing, is much less talked about than newer avenues, its retention rate and conversion capabilities are much higher and steadier than many of these newer forms of marketing. No matter what, you can always count on a direct mail campaign to bring you a certain percentage of looks and conversions as long as the campaign is properly managed. Here are some of the best ways to make sure that you are engaging your potential customers properly over direct mail.

Create Responsive, Accessible Emails

You never know where the person reading your email is reading it from. They may be doing it from a laptop, or they may be on a small smartphone screen. The move towards the mobile environment is a trend that is not going to reverse itself anytime soon. Fortunately for even the least tech-savvy among us, the creation of a fully responsive direct email campaign is not difficult at all. There are many templates that you can find online for free or, for more control, you can hire a third party company which will craft all of your emails to look great on the biggest studio desktop or the smallest iPhone.


We all want to automate our email campaigns as much as possible. However, there are ways to create personal emails while automating the process as well. The first thing that is necessary is a good CRM program that has the ability to section off different aspects of your email lists. You must send the correct type of email to the correct person depending where they are in your sales funnel. The best introductory email in the world will have no effect on the person who has already received your opening pitch in person. As a matter of fact, it will probably have a negative effect. Addressing your customer as an individual can go a long way towards engaging them fully. Using Ballantine personal URLs and custom landing pages can offer your customer or prospect a unique, personalized experience. This will demonstrate your dedication to serving your customer as an individual with unique needs, rather than a figure in your quota.

At the very least, even a simple Excel spreadsheet can help you to personalize an email campaign by putting the name of the recipient in the appropriate space. Take advantage of the resources that are available to combine personalization and automation for the best direct email campaign.

The technologies that you as a marketer are privy to in the modern world are endless. Though these tips will get you started on the right track, it’s important to find the tools and services that will help you to create the direct email campaign that’s right for your business.


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