
Kaye Marks

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Overcoming Buyer Hesitance to Get That Final Sale

How to break down buyer's second thoughts

Kaye Marks

May 14, 2008

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Expert marketers and sales people know that product resistance is often part and parcel of selling your products and services. It's usually due to a particular concern on the reliability, usability or usefulness and feasibility of purchasing product that’s preventing your prospective customers to finalize a sale.

Most of the time, your buyers are able to express their reluctance verbally. Some of the time however, it's up to us to read their gestures and facial expressions to determine if they're leaning towards the product or against it.

As negative as hesitance to purchase is at first glance to a business, if you look deeper and analyze such reactions, you'll find that such reluctance is actually a good thing. Having your customers react as such means that even through objecting, your target clients are actually listening to what you're saying and are considering your product if not for a few concerns they have. And knowing how to address these concerns, saying the right things and appeasing your cusotmer's doubts, can certainly allow you to resume the transaction and finish off with a sale.

How do you deal with your customer's concerns?
Trained sales agents know this. And as a business owner you should too. Most often than not, the concerns brought up by your consumers may not be the real issue that causes such doubt. In fact, it may just be that they’re not sure how to communicate that they need to know more about the benefits of your products and services.

This silent, unknown choke-up then makes it difficult for your target clients to agree to what you are offering as they are distracted by questions in their mind. Unless you extract those doubts, then understand and overcome the issues causing their objection, you will never be able to get your target customers past the reluctance that stands between a failed and successful transaction.

Commitment Issues
It's hard to communicate effectively if the person you're talking to is listening only through a crack through the door. Unless you get your consumer to have an open mind to what you're trying to say, your message will only fall in deaf ears. This is certainly the most challenging part of the selling process.

When your prospect hesitates to make the purchase and responds with a resounding ‘no’, you should be able to handle and overcome it. Most successful business owners can vouch that when you are able to rise above the rejections, you’ll more likely to get customers who are not only one-time buyers, but repeat business clients as well.

Overcoming communication barriers lead to a more open mind, trust and confidence. And most of the time overcoming this barrier only requires more compassion and understanding on the customers needs and train of thought.


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