
Charen Smith

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

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Expanding Your Brand

Charen Smith

July 21, 2008

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For a lot of companies they find a single product, which then becomes synonymous with their brand name. This can be an effective way of creating a very strong brand name and image very quickly if you have a successful product on your hands that generates a strong following. All of the color printing you do for your marketing material will sport your product along with your brand name to boost it up as much as possible.

The concern arises when your primary product begins to lose ground in the marketplace. The thing of it is, if you only have a single product as your primary source of money and this product is heavily linked with your brand name, anything negative that happens with the product will be immediately linked to your company.

It also means if sales in your particular market begin to falter you’ll have nothing else to fall back on to help make up for the lost money. This can be something severe enough to sink a company completely if they aren’t prepared to expand out into different areas to stay afloat.

Take the company Apple computers as an example. Throughout the nineties they saw the majority of their share in the computer market get eaten away by Microsoft, until the company only had a slim percentage of the marketplace they were able to hold onto. These days people look to Apple to see what new innovations they’re going to make, and why?

They branched away from the desktop computer market into other, yet similar, markets, and in doing so greatly expanded what their brand name is considered. They understood that the tech market went beyond just desktop computers. They helped create the booming mp3 market with their Ipod, and are now stepping into the cell phone market with their Iphone.

How many products do you have that are hits with your customers? How closely linked is your brand name and your top selling products, and how well will you manage to do if there is any kind of decline within your market?

These are all question you should be aware of and be willing to ask yourself. Had Apple computers not been able to expand out into another market they might not even be around today, or be so small no one would even pay attention to them.

I’m guessing that you have your primary image that all of your marketing and color printing centers around. What other products can you come to have associated with this brand name?

Once a company is established they have a lot of resources and clout the new business owner won’t be able to match, so use this as best you can to expand your brand name into new areas. Make sure that people always view your company as a source of quality no matter what area you’re in. That way people will think of quality when they think of your company, and not just a single product.

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